Introduction: Knights and Wizzards

Paper miniatures.
All you need is paper and white glue patience and scissors.

Step 1: Step 1 Body.

Step 2: Glue It to Harden and Add a Head.

Apply white glue all over body to dry and make it harden. Then glue the head.

Step 3: Add Essentials.

You got the idea by now just create a mini sword and glue it or a shield a staff a wand. Add a cloak or an armour, maybe a quiver or a bag.

Step 4: Paint !

Just paint as you want. Enjoy!
Heroes and Villains Contest

Participated in the
Heroes and Villains Contest

Maker Olympics Contest 2016

Participated in the
Maker Olympics Contest 2016

Cardboard Contest 2016

Participated in the
Cardboard Contest 2016