Introduction: Lamp Hook

About: Hey guys, I'm just a kid that has a really big interest in everything that to do with electronics, technology and innovation. I joined this website to find more people like me; at my school, there aren't many …

Okay guys, so I was thinking of ways to organize small spaces and I looked at my lamp where I placed my sun glasses on. That gave me this idea. Thank you for viewing my Instructable and please vote for me in whatever contest I may enter this in. I might be entering this in the Epilogue contest and I'm pretty sure that it says to tell why you should get the laser cutter so here it is: I would use the laser cutter to improve my makerspace that I share with my friends. I would use it to continue making cool things and inventions. This would defiantly improve the maker-space because the only machines we have are two micro 3d printers (one of which broke).

Shelving Contest

Participated in the
Shelving Contest

Epilog Contest VII

Participated in the
Epilog Contest VII