Introduction: Laser Voice Visualizer

About: Will Bosworth, developing projects for HowToons @ SquidLabs.
Like hearing yourself talk? wish you could see yourself talk? shine a laser at a mirror that shakes with your voice.

Step 1: Parts Layout

(1) ~6" of 1.5" pvc
(2) enough thin plastic to rop around an end of the PVC (typical sandwich bag is fine)
(3) small mirror (find a locket, or use a glass cutter on a mirror, or even use a small piece of polished metal)
(4) laser pointer
(5) tape (duct, I s'pose)
(6) some wood for a base plate

Step 2: Cover End of Pvc

place plastic over one end of pvc. rap a rubber band tightly over the plastic and the pvc, pull edges of plastic down to tighten the plastic over the pvc hole.

Step 3: Put Mirror on Plastic

tape the small mirror onto the plastic, as centered as you can comfortably eyeball.
(picture coming)

Step 4: Assemble

First tape the pvc tube down, leaving the open end slightly hanging over the edge (you wll be talking / singing into this side). Use a small piece of wood to angle it upwards slightly.

Next, place the laser onto the baseplate. Recommend turning the laser on while attaching it to the base-plate so that you can aim the laser onto the mirror while you tape it down. Another small piece of wood might help angle the laser correctly.

Step 5: To Use:

Turn on the laser, find where on the wall your laser is pointing. Speak or sing into the pvc and watch as the laser-point on the while vibrates to the sound of your voice. Consider making many for your friends and doing a laser light show.

Step 6: To Use:

Turn on the laser, find where on the wall your laser is pointing. Speak or sing into the pvc and watch as the laser-point on the while vibrates to the sound of your voice. Consider making many for your friends and doing a laser light show.