Introduction: Easy Scarecrow Kids Costume

About: Self learner and father of three, nature lover.

Coolest an easiest Scarecrow Costume ever seen !" How can he breathe ? Did he can see ? Those were some of the questions made in this year Halloween's parade. Last minute costume Rush has been in our family like daily bread Its so exciting ! Its time to get back !



Pair of brand new pantyhoses

Moms Coat

Pair of boots

Checkered Shirt

Orange Acrylic Paint

Great grandfather´s Hat

Step 1: Scarecrow's Mask

This is the Main part of Scarecrow costume, we had to use what we had in home.I found a pair of my wife brand new unused pantyhoses, I used the waist upper widest part then I tied a knot where the legs begins and cut the upper side. The best thing about this mask its that my son can breathe and see through the silk also he dont get hot and sweaty. So I draw a simple scarecrow smiling face, then I painted it with some orange acrylic paint. There.are.unlimited posiibilities with this metgod using this material as base for awesome masks.

Step 2: Outfit

For this outfit we used a pair of raged pants, a pair of boots, a checkered Shirt, Mom's coat, Grannys hat, a pair of wool gloves and some more details here and there. It was My son's idea put a Batman's Mask as Shoulder's plate like a trophy.

Step 3: Scythe

We choose a classic weapon like the scythe. We just used a bamboo stick and a cardboard blade and stick it togwether with adhesive tapenthennI painted it in white paint.

Step 4: Weapons Upgrade, Fear Gas Gun

My kid asked me how the scarecrow could terrorize a whole city like Gotham, so I look some junk stuff in my tool drawers. Found a gas tank, a steel hose and a paint gun handle then I used as cannon a piece of steel tube that My dear friend Mc.Langer gave me in oír last meeting, we just put all those pieces together with adhesive tape and Voila! ready to blow up some people fears ! muahahaha !

Step 5: BOOOO !

Its good to be back here with my Instructables family. I hope you liked it, favourite,coment and vote for this Halloween contest entry.

Halloween Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Contest