Introduction: Tiny Lego Fidget Cube and Spinner
I have created a fidget cube with three things to play with. This is a really quick easy build and all you need is Legos. I have made this instructable for the tiny challenge.
*Optional* Piece separater
Step 1:
Step 2:
Connect the black stick and the weird gray piece.
Step 3:
Add the two blue pieces
Step 4:
Add the two black technic pieces and the two blockers
Step 5:
Add the two brown round blocks to the stick.
Step 6:
Place the flat gray tile and the plate with a rounded bottom to the two brown blocks.
Step 7: Final Step
Attach the gray bricks with pins the the middle holes on the black technic pieces.
Step 8: Optional
If you want you can put 2x3 gray plates on the gray bricks with pins to lock them.