Introduction: Lego Mindstorms NXT Volume Calculator

About: I'm a musician, maker, wannabe YouTuber, introvert, and above all a crazy cat guy.

This easy device will calculate the volume of any simple object. It's very easy to build, and lots of fun to use. If you like this, please vote. I could really use the prizes for my workshop. :)

Step 1: Building

Add 4 black and 2 blue connectors to an L-bracket. (Pictured at bottom) Then insert one black connector into the middle of a 3-holed bracket. Connect the brackets as shown. Connect the cable from the motor to port C. The other nescessary additions are shown as notes on the picture.

Step 2: Programming

Step 3: Use

To use the calculator: Run the program, roll the wheel over the box you want to measure and press enter. Repeat for the width and heighth. The device should display the volume in gallons. If it doesn't seem to be working, or you aren't sure of a step, feel free to contact me, and I'll be happy to help. Again, if you like this please vote.

This project was inspired by the how-to from Check out their site for lots of cool Mindstorms projects.

Build My Lab Contest

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Build My Lab Contest

Manly Crafts Contest

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Manly Crafts Contest

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Hardware Hacking