Introduction: Lemon Coconut Sugar Scrub

Here is another great sugar based facial scrub recipe. Easy and fun to make, sugar scrubs make great gifts and use products you likely already have hanging around the house. This recipe is easily increased to fit your sugar scrub making needs! The lemon and coconut combination leaves you feeling cool and refreshed.

Step 1: BoM

1 cup of raw sugar (coconut sugar works well too)

1/4 cup coconut oil

Zest from 1 lemon

2 tsp cup fresh lemon juice

10+ drops of preferred essential oils -optional

Airtight jar w/lid

Step 2: Mix

Zest the lemon and then juice it. Add all ingredients to a small bowl and mix well.

Step 3: Jar

Transfer the sugar scrub from the mixing bowl to an airtight container. The scrub is ready to use immediately or will stay good for 2-3 weeks.

Step 4: Use

To use, start by scooping some of the mixture into your hand and applying to your dampened face. Rotate your fingers in small circles for maximum exfoliation.

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Makerspace Contest 2017

Unusual Uses Challenge 2017

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Unusual Uses Challenge 2017