Introduction: Lichi Valina Milkshake

Step 1: Make Sugar Syrup

To make simple sugar syrup u need
1) sugar
2) water
In 1:1 proportion
Add sugar to water and boil it for 6-7 or 8-9 minutes
Then once the water is clear (sugar is dissolved)
It means ur sugar syrup is ready

Step 2: Gather Other Things

Now once sugar syrup is ready keep it aside
Now gather some things like
1) 50 ml of lichi juice (I prefer real,tropicana) juice company then 2) 75 ml of milk
3) some ice
4) valina scoop

Step 3: Swirl

Now add all things in mixi,juicer then mix it and swirl it for 4-5 minutes at a good speeds

Step 4: Serve

Now take ur fav wine glass and serve the mixture

This beverage I got to know from real juice company