Introduction: Lightweight Pokeball Baby Blanket

About: Crochet & cosplay prop making are my favorite things to do!
This makes a very lightweight blanket for a baby. I started making it because I saw my friend getting a lot of heavy blankets at her shower even though it got hot in our area over summer. I wanted to giver her a blanket that she could wrap him up in and he wouldn't overheat. She's also a pokémon nerd so I made it in the style of a pokéball.

Step 1: Materials

● Soft, worsted weight yarn in
red, black, and white
● Size J 6.00mm hook
● Tapestry needle
● Stitch marker for circles

Step 2: Terms Used

● dc = double crochet
● st = stitch
● sc = single crochet
● MR = magic ring

Step 3: Body

Start with ​RED

R1: ch 83 (or however long you wish) R2: dc in 3rd ch from hook, dc across (80)
R3-28: dc across.
At final dc, switch to ​BLACK​. (80)

R29-30: in ​BLACK​, dc across.
At final dc, switch to ​WHITE ​(80)

R31-58: in ​WHITE​, dc across (80) Fasten off and weave in ends

Because of the extra loose stitching, you may also need to weave your threads from color change back through the rows. I secured the two strings with a knot around one of the posts and wove back through.

Step 4: Circles (make 2)

Start with ​WHITE

R1: MR 6 dc.
In final dc, switch to ​BLACK​ (6)
R2: in ​BLACK, ​2 ​sc​ in each dc. In final sc, switch to ​WHITE ​(12)
R3: in ​WHITE​, *1 dc in 1st st, 2 dc in next st* around. In final dc, switch to ​BLACK​ (18)
R4: in ​BLACK​, *1 dc in 1st st, 1 dc in next st, 2 dc in next st* around. (24) Fasten off, leave long tail for sewing.

Sew circles in the direct center of the blanket on both sides.

Step 5: Done!

Tada! All finished! This pattern will remain available for free, and you are allowed to sell items made from it, however, if you do, please credit my Etsy page:
Warm and Fuzzy Contest

Participated in the
Warm and Fuzzy Contest