Introduction: LinkitONE Temperature Sensor

Hello friends you all may be finding it cool by working with latest advanced electronic gadget. One of it is the “LinkitONE” a master controller. Have you ever heard about it. By using an LinkitONE working with gadget become easy as we can command them and direct them in our way. Isn’t it cool to explore our self with such an advance gadget in front of the world.. Today I am going to present a small view of the project which can be done using an LinkitONE as compare to those great projects which can be done using it. It will change your mind set of controlling such a typical board and after going through the project you will find it easy to understand.

The LED will be switched on when the temperature goes beyond its defined limit and it will be switched of when the temperature remains within its defined limit (using a temperature sensor).
Note: - Temperature sensor changes its voltage output depending on the temperature of the component. The outside legs connect to power and ground. The voltage on the centre pin changes as it gets warmer or cooler…

Step 1: Tools Required

1. Arduino
2. Breadboard
3. Male jump wires
4. 220 OHM Resistor
5. Single colour LED
6. Temperature Sensor

Step 2: Programming

burn this code to your board-

float tempC;
int tempPin=A0; //it defines the analog pin A0 as input
int ledpin= 13; //it initialises the value of LED pin as 13
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //it begin serial communication at 9600 bps
pinMode(ledpin, OUTPUT); //it defines the digital pin 13 as output
void loop()
tempC=analogRead(tempPin); //the loop reads the sensor value on A0 with
analogRead() and stores the value in the
appropriate variables.
tempC=(5.0*tempC*100.0)/1024.0; //it converts the reading into Celsius scale
Serial.print(tempC); //it prints the value of tempC in the serial
Serial.print(“\n”); //(“\n”) is the equivalent of pressing the
“ENTER” key on the keyboard
if(tempC>32) //it is a conditional statement
digitalWrite(ledpin, HIGH); //it commands the arduino to switch on LED if
the temperature sensor sends the reading
greater than 32
digitalWrite(ledpin, LOW); //it commands the arduino to switch of LED if
the temperature sensor sends the reading less
than 32
delay(2000); //it calls a delay for 2 seconds or 2000

Step 3: Connect - Temperature Sensor

Step 1
Take an arduino and connect it with your laptop.
Step 2
Take a breadboard and place a temperature sensor on it.
Step 3
Connect the 5 volt pin of your arduino with one end of the temperature sensor placed on the breadboard.
Step 4
Ground the temperature sensor with the other end of it.
Step 5
Connect the analog pin A0 of the arduino with the middle leg of the temperature sensor.

Step 4: Connect - LED and Resistor

Step 6
Now connect the digital pin 13 from the positive terminal of your single colour LED.
Step 7
Place a 220 OHM resistor between them.
Step 8
Ground the LED from its negative terminal.

Step 5: Try It Out

Try it out now. You will see temperature on your serial monitor.

Step 6: Thank You

This project may change the view of those who finds working with Linkit a difficult task and will make their basic programming clear.
You will be able to understand the basic use of Linkit board with the descriptions given above.