Introduction: Little Wooden Chest

About: I just like to make staf xD If you want to contact me just send me massage and I will give you my email.

In this instructable I am going to show you how to make little wooden chest, perfect present for valentines day

Step 1: Dimensions

I measured all the parts I made.

Step 2: Cut Wooden Parts

Draw parts on wood and cut them.

Step 3: Sanding

Sand two parts you made for top part of chest.

Step 4: Glue It

Step 5: Sand It Again

I shortened bottom part of chest for 2,5cm because I didn't like how it looks.

Step 6: Joints

Make joints for chest and glue them to it.

Step 7: Add Little Wooden Heart

Draw heart on wood and cut it and sand it, then glue it to the chest.

Step 8: Done

Hope you like it.

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Plywood Contest

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Plywood Contest