Introduction: Lockdown Fitness/farming Routine.

About: I am a curious and stubborn DIYer, always looking for no budget hacks.
Hi there, It's been a while since we all have been stuck at home, and we have mostly used the time to catch up on things, one of which is exercise!!! (Yay!!! drumroll please!).
Okay maybe a few sit-ups and some squats, then we move to the couch or bed to " work", "read memes", " chat" etc. That's nice too but here I share how I have incorporated exercise into my lockdown farming lifestyle so I am motivated to keep fit. (Honestly, how those dumbbells and ergo meters work for others beats me)


=> Lockdown
=> A routine
=> Interesting "hacktivities"(activities that can be tweaked to make it more active) :-D.

Step 1: The Hike for Lower Body Fitness.

Yeah, lockdown means no transportation, which means fewer workers on our farm.
So when I leave home it's a straight 1.5km hike or fast-paced walk or a nice jog to the farm ;-) seriously.
It's not so bad, and when I arrive at the farm, I am usually just covered in a light sheen of sweat or really out of breath but I am fully pumped and motivated for the day.
I found out I could do same by going round my living room about a zillion times :-D (okay maybe with the kid siblings, yeah it's gonna be fun too)

Step 2: Heavy Lifting for the Upper Body.

Okay, I am on the farm now, these days there is more work to be done, why? Less hands, (waiting earnestly for the next leave days, I will miss my fav goat though).
Since this was to make the routine more active, I ditched the wheel barrows for some manual lifting (remember to squat when lifting, do not bend at the waist to lift heavy loads, yikes!!! I hate to hear about broken backs)
Husk sacks, water gallons, animal feeds, plant clippings, store debris, soil etc what ever the barrow does I do to the best of my capacity though no torn muscles.
At home you can swap the tap thing for buckets and instead of the remote control, get up and press some buttons on the TV set.
Next up is the abs pack. :-) that's what gets the girls.
(Chicks dig that right?)

Step 3: Shovelling, for Abs That Dig.

Pun intended up there :-),Well I am not so sure about the effect this has specifically on the abs, but I hope it does (so I can rock a topless bod post lockdown in school) any way the twisting and turning and contraction ( you know what I mean if you have ever handled a shovel) happens on the abs but the *pain* is more on the back.
Point is ; is the drainage blocked? It's shovel time!
Daily animal store cleaning? It's shovel time!
Plant beds to be made? It's shovel time!

Step 4: Conclusion

I just added some cute bunnie shots because why not.
So I might not continue shoveling when I get back to school, I will however incorporate activities into my routine ( jogging e.t.c), I am beginning to see the fitting beneFITs of active living.
Couches were not made for potatoes :-)
And if for you it's still the dumbbell and treadmill, make it fun to stay motivated, your health is a great asset.
P.s that "I made it" button below is actually "I did it too" or "I did something similar"
So be sure to tell if you did.
And as an over spill from youtube please upvote my post and share this to inspire others thanks.
Happy living.
Stay hacktive. LOL
P.P.S my first finished 'ible :-)