Introduction: Luna Moth Fairy Costume
For anytime you want to be a luna moth fairy, you can easily whip a costume by following this instructable.
The supplies needed to create this costume are pretty easy to find and inexpensive.
Safety: Safety Glasses
You will want to gather:
4 wire clothes hangers (the type that are vinyl coated work well)
Duct tape
2 pairs of pantyhose (Can use tights as well. Little girls pantyhose and tights work well).
3 yards of satin ribbon
Green Dye, 1 Cup White Vinegar, 1 tsp Dish Soap
Glue Sticks
Glitter, Paint Pens and Markers
Silk flowers and leaves
Utility knife
Glue Gun
Step 1: Headband
**Safety - Careful use with hot glue**
Start with a basic antenna shaped head band. Paint white with acrylic paint and let dry.
Wrap and twist pipe cleaners around the antenna and trim edges to have a smooth fan-like appearance.
Hot glue silk flowers on antenna base.
Wrap silk ribbon around exposed headband and secure with hot glue.
Step 2: Dying the Nylon
I started with white nylons that I needed to be a nice shade of yellowish green.
**Safety-Wear Gloves***
Protect table and counter top surfaces.
Start with 3 gallons of hot water into a clean plastic bucket,
mix in 1 cup of white vinegar,
1 teaspoon of dish soap
And dye to achieve desired color vibrancy (You can use a paper towel
Add your nylons and slowly and continuously stir for 10 min.
Let sit in mixture for at least 30 min. Rinse with cool water and hang dry.
Step 3: Wings
**Safety - Safety Glasses**
Take your 4 coat hangers and unwind the top section. You will want to work each hanger into a long line. Approximately 37" long.
Bend the wire straight using the pliers to give you some leverage. I have the best luck by holding right below the existing bend and using the pliers and grab right above the existing bed and bend the opposite way to straighten it out.
Once your wires are straight, bend into your desired pattern, One wing at a time, I sketched out the sizes I could make with a 37" string while leaving a little bit of room as a connector at the bottom of each loop.
To get the loop to fasten correctly you will make two hooks that interlock and then twist one of the remaining lengths around the wing edge. The other length will stick straight out and serve as part of your connector.
I would make one the way you want it and then try to match the bends when making the second symmetrical wing.
Once all four wings are made you need to join the top two and the bottom two. Then you will marry those two sets to complete the frame work. Joining can be tricky. I found it easiest to take the long lengths you left for the connectors and twist those together. Use the duct tape to tape down any bits that poke up. Also use duct tape when joining the two halves. Be sure to use a lot to get a firm hold.
Step 4: Adding Nylons
Cut two legs about half way up, on one pair of pantyhose.
Repeat with the second pair.
Slide the hose over each wing loop. Stretch it tight and secure it in a knot. The knot can be made on the diagonal wing or anywhere that will have a tight hold. These knots will be covered later.
Repeat with the other three wings.
Now you can add designs with puff paint, glitter, marker or paint pens. Use your imagination. When drawing lines you can mimic the veining of butterfly wings. Symmetrical designs look nice but be creative.
Let any paint dry thoroughly.
For extra security of some areas, you can cut strips of panty hose and use for tying.
Step 5: Adding Base
You will need to make a piece to cover all the duct tape and knots.
Start with a disc of cardboard of foamboard about 4 inches in diameter. An oval shape 3 x4 works well too. Once that is cut, poke a slot on each side of your disc.
Cut a ribbon about 14" long and lace through your disc. The lose ends will be tied around the wing meeting point.
Take silk flowers and leaves and hot glue into place on the side of the disc where the ribbon comes through the top. If it were a button, you'd be looking at the top of the button.
Now, you can tie on your flower piece onto the back of your wings. Start by taking the lose ends of ribbon and wrapping them around to the backside of the wings, the part where your back will be touching. Interlock the ribbons and bring one string up and one string down and then wrap the wing joint vertically this time. Loop them back around to the backside again and secure with a knot (see picture).
You can add a little decoration ribbon to hang down the back. You will need double up one ribbon and secure it around the section where the wings join.
To make the arm straps you will need two yards of ribbon. Find the middle of each ribbon and tie the ribbon on the wing joining area as far apart as possible. These will be tied around the wearer's shoulders when it's time to wear.