Introduction: Mad Scientist Worm-hole Generator

About: I'm a mad scientist that's not so much bent on world domination, but just to get rid of those pesky skateboarder kids down the street who can't seem to figure out that when a car comes...GET OUT OF THE WAY!!! …
Ahh...The mad scientist's laboratory; filled with fantastical gadgets, mutated rats, and an assortment of strang and fearsome weapons. So you're (assuming you're a mad scientist) sitting in your lab wondering what to do next when you realize that conventional means of travel are much too slow for a busy person like yourself. I mean, when you've got to get to the Himalayas for a once-in-a-thousand-year event, you can't afford to be stuck in traffic or waiting for the next flight to arrive. So you decide to build a worm-hole generator. With new technological advencements you can build several compact machines and create a network teleporting madness! Bwa ha ha ha!

Unfortunately, you lack the blueprints for such a device. Lucky for you, I'm going to tell you how to build your own worm-hole generator!

OK, my computer is stupid and it won't let me put notes on the picture right now, so I'll pu them here.

This is the Generator...behind it is a microscope and a typewriter...and yes, that is a Sesame Street placemat.

Step 1: Get the Materials

This is always the hardest part because a worm-hole generator a work of art (not to mention maniacal genius); therefore, you should choose your parts carefully.

You need something to house your generator. I used some sort of strainer, but ultimately, it's up to you.

Then you need some parts, use whatever you want, just make sure you can explain how it works. If you can't then you probably won't be able to teleport anywhere. Look at the picture to see what I used.

Same story as the Intro, here's the notes...Starting fom TOP LEFT and continuing as if you were reading.
Strainer, Large Spring, Two Cylindrical Electronic Components (I don't know what they're called), Cone Shaped Speaker, Button From Jacket, Top Of Marker, Lightbulb, LED Display, Radiator From VCR, Plastic Sample Jar. next row
Two Pieces Of Metal, Washer, Switch From Lamp Used For Shrink Ray, Push Button, Battery, Spring, Three Black Metal Rings, Speaker, And Two Speaker Magnet Things (the circular part on the back).

Step 2: Assembly

This is where I become of little help to you. Since every generator is different, the assembly will also be different. But I can offer you this one tip, HHG (Hot Hardening Goo), or hot glue as it is known to our less intelligent city dwelling counterparts, is a great way to attatch parts to your generator. If you mess up, you can usually just tear it off and start over, and, for reasons unknown, it always results in a functioning device. Below are some pictures of the assembly of my generator.

Step 3: Repeat

If you build multiple generators, you can build a private network, or if you just build one, you can network with other scientists' generators around the world. Just keep in mind that I am not responsible for whatever may happen to you after you build it. My friend had a poorly built generator, and now we can't find his arms. They must have went to a different generator.....