Introduction: Magic 1089
Hi,i'm Dulna777 and this is my first instructable.
Today i'm going to show you a cool math trick.
Grab your pens and get ready!
A pen
A friend to play with
Step 1: How to Do the Trick
- Write the number 1089 on a piece of paper:this will be your prediction
- Ask your friend to pick a 3-digit number
- Ask him (or her) to flip the number and subtract the greater number
- Repeat the above step but instead of subtracting ask them to add the two numbers
- Ask them the result
- Reveal your prediction
- The prediction is right!But why?
Step 2: Why It Worked
Let's represent hundreds, tens, and ones with variables,and set some existence conditions
Now let's repeat the steps using the variables
first number
first flipped number
difference between the two numbers
let's remove one of the 99s
the equation becomes 99(x-z)
we know that 0≤a-c≤9
so the possible results are (0)99,198,297,396,495,594,693,792,891
the following table represents the possible additions and answers
(0)99+990 1089
198+891 1089
297+792 1089
396+693 1089
495+594 1089
594+495 1089
693+396 1089
792+297 1089
891+198 1089
as you can see,the result is always 1089!
Step 3: Variation
Here's a variation:
- Grab a book and open it at page 10
- Find the 9th word of the 8th row
- Write that word on a strip of paper:this will be your prediction
- Repeat the original version
- Ask the volunteer to find the 9th word of the 8th row of the 10th page
- Reveal your prediction
- Voilà! Now,we don't need to re-explain the whole thing because you know it already.
Bye-bye,see you in the next instructable!