Introduction: Mail Box Post
Great way to welcome you guest. All ceder mail box post.
Step 1: Cut the Parts
All the part are pretty standard the art of the piece is when it gets put together.
2 - 2x4's 108"
1 - 2x4 60.5"
1 - 2x4 40.5"
1 - 2x5 50.5"
1 - 2x4 20.5"
2 - 2x4 17.5"
1 - .75" x 5.5" x 5.5"
1 - .75" x 4..5" x 4.5"
Step 2: Assembly
It’s time for some assembly. You can see here that the two longer boards made a sandwich of the other parts. The order of operations is as follow: 108″ Long board, then stacked on top starting and the bottom. 60″ board then the 23.5″ board perpendicular flush with one edge, 40.5″ board, and last the 48″ board perpendicular place just off center. Then put the other 108″ on top of all the boards. I hope that makes sense.
Step 3: Completion
I used water resistance glue and deck screw to hold this assembly together. I pre-drilled and left a 3/8 hole to insert plugs. To make the plugs I used a scrap piece of the cedar and a plug cutting bit at the drill press. Once I had enough plugs, I went to the band saw to release the plugs.
Mounting the mail box is easy. I painted a scrap piece of plywood, mounted it to the post. Only thing to do is put the box on and put the whole assembly in the ground. I used the old post hole and set the new post to height the post office rule gave me. My case it was 38″ from the ground to the bottom of the box.
Step 4: Files
Sketchup file if you want it