Introduction: Make Fake Edible Halloween Blood.

Whats halloween without fake blood..? Werewolfs, zombies and vampires, you cant have a good costume without some good fake blood.
This is the recipe I use for edible fake blood.
You can use it on your fake zombie bites or vampire fangs or just decorate your wall to make it look like a murder scene..!
You could also splash it over some sweets or buns and stuff so that your trick or treaters get a fright..
And its pretty nice tasting to so you could just use it as a drink or in your halloween cooking..:)

Step 1: Make Fake Edible Halloween Blood.

Unless your local store has been taken over by mindless zombies these are pretty easy to find.
-golden syrup
-chocolate syrup
-red food colouring
-blue food colouring
-green food colouring

Step 2: Make Fake Edible Halloween Blood.

Take one part golden syrup (I used my trusty shot glass to measure) and mix it with 3 parts water.
Make sure that its well mixed.

Step 3: Add the Colour.

Add the red food colouring to get the desired shade you want.
Remember that arterial blood is bright red and venous blood is a darker more purple blood.
Add green or blue to get a darker shade of blood.
Dont add to much blue because if it goes purple im pretty sure you cant go back so you'll have to start again.

Step 4: Thicken the Blood

So at this stage the blood is pretty thin and for your fake blood to be realistic. It cant be to thick (unless you want it as a paste) and it cant be to thin.
Try to get it somwhere in the middle..:)
Add the chocolate syrup to thickin up the blood.
This also adds flavour so use as much as you want. But again get it somewhere in the middle.

Step 5: Finished Blood.

So once you have the blood to the thickness and colour you want your done.:) Its safe for kids too because its edible and actually tastes pretty nice.
You can use it for anything you want
-decorate the house
-fake blood for costumes
-and for stage blood or pictures just make the blood alot brighter because it wont look the same shade on camera..
Halloween Props Contest

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Halloween Props Contest