Introduction: Make Your Images Interesting With Galaxy Overlay

About: I love internet reading. I think I have acquired more knowledge from the internet than I have and probably ever will from a standard institution of learning.
I have been doing galaxy overlay for years now and it never ceases to amaze me every time I experiment on photos on how they would look with a galaxy twist. This 'ible will show you the simplest way to make your images "more" interesting.


1) Photoshop - Any version will do, I used CS4.
2) Galaxy Photos - Stock images, wallpaper I downloaded from Google.
3) Subject Photo - Subject photo you want to work on.

Step 1: Open Image With Photoshop

Open your subject image with Photoshop. One good thing to remember when choosing the right image is the balance of lightness and darkness. Remember that the overlaying image would only work on the dark part of your picture. Once you have chosen a subject image, it is a good practice when working on an image to duplicate them.

Step 2: Open Galaxy Image

Open your chosen galaxy image. Please be reminded that the galaxy image you would choose will be responsible for the pattern of the overlay. Do not mind the color of the galaxy if it is too bright, or the color is not compatible with your image. We can always change the hue and lightness of the galaxy image.

I've included three galaxy images you could choose from.

Step 3: Copy Galaxy Pattern to Subject Image

Copy galaxy patter to subject image and resize accordingly. To copy image just press and hold CTRL + A (Select All) and then CTRL + C (Copy). Go back to subject image and then press CTRL + V (Paste) to paste image. Once done, resize the image by clicking on EDIT > TRANSFORM > SCALE. Scale the image until the subject image can no longer be seen. Just click on MOVE tool once your done resizing.

Step 4: Choose Your Blend Mode

Although "Overlay" is usually the chosen type of blend mode for this activity, you may choose the appropriate blend mode for you. You can also adjust the opacity to your liking. For this edit, I chose "Lighten." You may choose to delete the excess galaxy from the subject image using the eraser tool. Just put the hardness down to zero for smooth transition.

Step 5: Change Hue

If you think the color of the galaxy picture you downloaded is not really compatible with your subject image. Just click on IMAGE > ADJUSTMENTS > HUE/SATURATION.

Step 6: Flatten Image

Once done, to save the following as JPEG, you need to flatten out your images. Just click on LAYER > FLATTEN IMAGE.

Step 7: Save File

To save your file, just click on FILE > SAVE AS.

Step 8: Sample Output