Introduction: Make Your Own Adjustable Height Speaker Stands
I haven't bought any speakers for 20 years and decided it was time for an upgrade. I needed some which would connect to my phone or laptop by Bluetooth, sound good and be really loud so after reading some reviews I bought this awesome set of speakers from Amazon; They sound amazing and only cost me £70. There is a separate woofer; I decided to make two speaker stands for the tweeters to keep them at the optimum height. I wanted the height to be adjustable as I will be using them in different situations so decided to use microbore 10mm copper pipe. It is easy to bend by hand but holds it's shape well enough to support these small speakers. The height is easily adjusted by simply squashing or stretching the spiral.
Time; 40mins
Difficulty; easy (very easy if you are a plumber)
3 metres microbore tubing
Tube cutter
Sandpaper or Brasso, depending on whether you would prefer a shiny or burnished finish
Step 1: Sand or Polish Your Tubing
Rub the tubing with some sandpaper or brass polish on a cloth until you get a finish you are happy with. I wasn't aiming to remove all the blemishes but wanted to make the surface more uniform.
Step 2: Make the Base
Bend the tubing into a circle about a foot across. This should be wide enough to give stability.
Step 3: Bend the Tube
Bend the tube into a spiral, starting with a gentle incline, then becoming steeper towards the top. If a slight angle appears, gently straighten it out so it looks even. Turn the stand and look from different angles to check the curve is even. At the top, bend the tubing round into a circle about the width of the base of your speaker; mine was about 5 inches across. The tubing is very forgiving; there is a huge amount of scope for readjustment.
Step 4: How to Use a Pipe Cutter to Cut Copper Tubing
If you were ever wondering how to use a pipe cutter for copper tubing, you will now learn how! This is a great piece of kit and I was fascinated when I first used one. It consists of a cutting wheel opposite two rollers; turn the tightening wheel anticlockwise to open the gap and then put it on the pipe. Turn the wheel clockwise to tighten the cutting wheel onto the pipe. Stop when it is firmly in contact. Rotate the body of the cutter around the pipe once before tightening the wheel a quarter of a turn. Again rotate the cutter around the pipe, again tighten and keep repeating until the pipe is cut. Pipe cutters are great because they are quick, safe, make no mess and leave a nice, neat finish which isn't sharp.
Step 5: Make the Other One
I decided to make the other stand spiral in the opposite direction; the best way to do this is to start from the other end of the loops of tubing. Copy the stand you have already made to get the curves and angles as close as you can. This took me about 10-15 minutes and requires a little patience!
Step 6: Mount Your Speakers
Put the speaker on the floor in the middle of the spiral and lift it up through the centre so the wire runs up the middle. Balance the speaker on the top. Repeat both sides and you are done!