Introduction: Make a Bracelet From a Phone/Ipod Cord

The idea for this bracelet came from a phone charger that the dog chewed up.

- Phone charger cord / computer cord

- Small bracelet buckle or clasp

- Craft Glue

- Scissors

Step 1: Cord: Part 1

Cut the ends off of the cord. Remove the outside coating from the cord. If the plastic will not peel off, carefully cut sections of the plastic and slide it off the wires. Do not cut all the way through the cord.

Step 2: Cord: Part 2

The next layer is silver colored wire. Remove the wire. The four colored wires for the bracelet are inside the foil. Take off the foil and separate the wires.

Step 3: Buckle / Clasp

Put the ends of the wires through the buckle. Bend the wires down and wrap the ends. Put the other half of the buckle on the wires. The wires between the buckle halves are the length of the bracelet. Adjust it to the correct length and bend the wires down.

Step 4: Start the Bracelet

Split the four wires into groups of two. Put the first set of wires (green and white) under the four in the middle wires and over the second set (red and black) of two wires on the side. Put the second set of wires (red and black) over the four in the middle and through the loop of the first set (green and white). Tighten the knot and make sure the bracelet is still the correct length.

Step 5: Middle and End

The sets of wires change sides every knot. Repeat step 4 until it reaches the end. Go over the ends of the wrapped wires. Glue and trim the ends of the wires.

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