Introduction: Make a Morse Code Transceiver Using Arduino

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Morse code expresses different English letters, numbers, punctuation marks, etc. through different arrangements. The International Morse Code is still in use today. For example, the most well-known use of Morse code is to send the distress signal SOS. The combination of SOS signals is:. As another example, suppose we send "Arduino" via Morse code with the combination: ".- .-. -.. ..- .. -. —".



Arduino IDE

Step 1: Circuit Part

Arduino to Breadboard Pinout:

Pin D2 is connected to one end of button 1 and then to ground through a resistor. The other end of button 1 is connected to 5V.

Pin D7 is connected to one end of button 2, and then connected to ground through a resistor. The other end of button 2 is connected to 5V.

Pin D8 is connected to the LED positive terminal through a resistor, and the negative terminal is connected to ground.

Pin D12 is connected to the positive pole of the buzzer through a resistor, and the negative pole is connected to ground.

Step 2: Code Part-1

At the end of the article is the complete code, save it as MorseCode.ino, then open the Arduino IDE "File->Open->MorseCode.ino" and upload it to Arduino. After the upload is completed, open the serial monitor and you will see the following display:

Step 3: Code Part-2

The operation sequence of the Morse code decoder: first write Morse code by clicking button 1 and button 2; fill in the space between letters with 2 in the input box above, and then press the Enter key. For the spaces between words, fill in 3 in the input box above, and then press Enter. After all input is completed, fill in 1 in the above input box and press Enter, the Morse code content will be translated. The translated Morse code will be displayed below on the serial monitor. For example: let's write ".- .-. -.. ..- .. -. —", which will be displayed as "ARDUINO" after translation.

Step 4: The Complete Arduino Code Is As Follows


  This Program is for demonstration of MORSE CODE Communication

  which was use to send information secretly using codes of combinations dots . and dashes -

  Thanks to open source community





#define SIZE 26

const int ledPin = 8;

const int speakerPin = 12;

const int dotButton = 2;

const int dashButton = 7;


String morseCode = "";

String text = "";

int characterAscii = 0;

int startPos = 0, endPos = 0;

int startPos1 = 0, endPos1 = 0;

String characterCode = "";

int dashButtonState = 0;

int dotButtonState = 0;



//Array of MorseCode for letters of English Language A to Z

String letters[SIZE] = {


  // A to I

  ".-", "-...", "-.-.", "-..", ".", "..-.", "--.", "....", "..",

  // J to R

  ".---", "-.-", ".-..", "--", "-.", "---", ".--.", "--.-", ".-.",

  // S to Z

  "...", "-", "..-", "...-", ".--", "-..-", "-.--", "--.."




void setup() {

  // put your setup code here, to run once:

  //Getting things Ready

  pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(dotButton, INPUT);

  pinMode(dashButton, INPUT);




  Serial.println("                   Demonstration of Morse Code             ");

  Serial.println("************************************************************* ");


  Serial.println("1. First Write Your Morse code");

  Serial.println("2. When you are done Write 1 on above input box and Press Enter or click Send Button ");

  Serial.println("3. For Space between letters write 2 and Press Enter ");

  Serial.println("4. For Space between words  write 3 and Press Enter ");


  Serial.println("5. Thats all Translation of Morse Code will then be Shown ");


  Serial.println("\n\nEnter Your Morse Code Here ");




void loop() {

  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:


  while (Serial.available() > 0) {

    int ascii =;


    switch (ascii) {

      case 49:  // 49 is Ascii value of 1



        morseCode.concat('#');  // Placeing # at the end of morseCode to simplify further processing


        Serial.print("\nYour Morse code Translation : ");


        endPos1 = morseCode.indexOf('#');


        while (endPos1 < morseCode.length()) {

          extractLetters(morseCode.substring(startPos1, endPos1));  // This function would extract Letter as name suggest and would convert code to text SIMPLE!

          startPos1 = endPos1 + 1;

          if (startPos1 == morseCode.length()) {



          endPos1 = morseCode.indexOf('#', startPos1);


        startPos1 = 0;

        endPos1 = 0;


        text = "";  // For New Translation

        morseCode = "";

        Serial.println("\n\nEnter Your Morse Code Here ");





      case 50:  // 50 is Ascii value of 2








      case 51:  // 51 is Ascii value of 3













void turnONLedSpeaker(int du) {

  //Turn ON LED

  digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);

  tone(speakerPin, 4699, du);  // tone(speakerPin, frequency, duration in milliSec)



void process() {


  dotButtonState = digitalRead(dotButton);

  dashButtonState = digitalRead(dashButton);





  if (dashButtonState == HIGH) {



    morseCode.concat("-");  // Storing code in variable morseCode with the help of concatenation function

    Serial.print("-");      //Prints User entered Code


  } else if (dotButtonState == HIGH) {







  } else {

    //Turn OFF LED

    digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);




char convertIntoText(String characterCode) {

  characterAscii = 65;


  for (int index = 0; index < SIZE; index++) {

    if (characterCode == letters[index]) {

      return characterAscii;






void extractLetters(String words) {

  words.concat('@');  // Placeing @ at the end of word to simplify further processing


  endPos = words.indexOf('@');



  //Loop to extracting single character morse Code from string of word

  while (endPos < words.length()) {

    characterCode = words.substring(startPos, endPos);


    //Now CharacterCode will now convert in text




    startPos = endPos + 1;

    characterCode = "";


    // if condition is just to terminate loop when our extracting single character code is complete thats all

    if (startPos == words.length()) {




    endPos = words.indexOf('@', startPos);





  Serial.print(" ");

  startPos = 0;

  endPos = 0;

  text = "";
