Introduction: Make a Prop Witch's Spell Book From Scraps

About: i am an artist and musician. i make things of use out of things that no longer have use. i think the hip term is "upcycling." i post a lot of inspirational and entertainment videos on occa…

I was asked to make a durable "book" to be used as a prop in a witchcraft-themed live-action puzzle. I decided to use a reclaimed wood cutoff and some junk I had laying around my shop to make it. This Instructable will explain what I did, but the video offers more insight into my thoughts. have a gander!

Step 1: Gathering Material

I wanted something durable and warm, so this reclaimed wood cut-off was perfect. I love the lath marks on the edge as they look a bit like old binding, so I wanted to save the lines. I also found some old fabric from a wrecked chair, a used leather belt and some various bits of metal and brass tacks to use.

Step 2: Making Wood Look Like a Book

I cut the block of wood to my desired size and then routed a 1/4" deep channel around three edges to represent the slight indentation between a hard-cover book's cover and its pages. When doing the top and bottom, I didn't want to rout all the way through as a real book binding wouldn't look that way, so I set up a stop block on my router table to keep the binding the same length as the cover. I used a chisel to straighten out the corners.

Step 3: Give It "the Look"

I used a torch to burn the fresh-cut edges of wood (and other parts) to add to the "old" look of the book. I painted the part I just routed white to represent the pages, but i added a splash of yellow and brown accents to make the "pages" look older.

I then cut up the leather belt I found into 4 pieces: 2 run the vertical length of the book as binding and the part where it buckles I ran horizontally to look like a diary clasp. I used PVA glue (Elmer's) to adhere the leather to the wood and secured it with brass finish nails.

I also added some random bits of metal to appear as repairs added to the book over the centuries and I used "Modge Podge" to glue a piece of tattered fabric to the cover, to add to the aged appearance.

Step 4: Make It "Wiccan"

I used a Forstner bit to make a slight recess in the cover and carved a pentagram inside the carve to add depth and spookiness. A little red paint was used to fill the star and I added some "bloody" smudges to the corner just for fun.

And that's it! This was WAY more fun to make than I expected and I highly encourage you to create things from leftover scrap whenever you can; it really is fun. Check out the video for more in-depth info and thanks for checking this out.

Be good,


Halloween Decor Contest 2016

Participated in the
Halloween Decor Contest 2016

Halloween Props Contest 2016

Participated in the
Halloween Props Contest 2016