Introduction: Make a Small Parts Organizer!

I love organizing my shop, so I got these containers to sort all my screws. Whenever I get new boxes, I build another cabinet to hold them. Here is a simple way to do it!

Materials you need:

  • Any scrapwood. I used 20mm Ikea melamin board.
  • Some hardwood or plyood for the rails.
  • Some wood screws. 4.5mm is my favourite diameter
  • 3 or 6mm dowels

Minimal Tools:

Recommended Tools:

Step 1: Cutting the Wood.

Below is a cut list in which you can enter the dimensions of your containers. I used my table saw and a crosscut sled. You can also use any other type of saw, but the table saw is the best for this. Are you new to using saws? Watch a 10min safety video first and save your fingers!

I cut the height of both sides at the same time, this ensures that they are equally long. Some clamps hold them together temporarily.


2x Side Panels

  • Depth = Container Depth +10mm
  • Height = (Container Height + 5mm + Rail Thickness) * Number of Containers +2 x Width of Top and Bottom Plywood

2x Top/Bottim Panels
  • Width = Width of Container + 5mm + 2* Plyood Thickness.
  • Depth = Container Depth +10mm


  • Number of Rails = 2 *( Number of Containers -1)
  • Rail Depth = Depth of Container (Not critical)

Back Panel

  • Measure it once you got the frame done.

Step 2: Join Your Panels!

I used this dowel jig. It allows you to preciely allign board with each others and also give a strong joint. The jig gives you the exact placement of both dowels and their holes. After this project, I also bought a biscuit jointer and I use it since then. Its more expensive, but a bit more compfortable.

You can also just use plain screws.... Who cares.

Step 3: Add the Rails.

I used hardwood for the rails. You could also use aluminium angle extrusions which should look great. I made a spacer block for the rails and then glued them in place momentarily with wood glue. Wood glue does not stick very well to melamin board. I pre-drilled screw holes and then added screws. This is a bit more work, but ensures good allignment.

Step 4: Final Assembly!

Add some wood glue and assemle the cabinet. The glue does not stick well to melamin, but its good enough. The back also adds a lot of strength.

Feet are very important. At least in my workshop the floor sometimes gets wet and the particle board is great at soaking up liquid.

Step 5: Add the Back.

I glued the particle board to the rails which is a wood to wood bond and very strong with enough wood glue. I also used some staples to fix it in place. A nail gun would be much better but I didn´t had one at the time. I got this one since then and I can totally recommend it.

Measure from edge to diagonal edge. If the distance is the same on both sides, all the boards are square to each others.

Step 6:

And you are done! Now spend a few hours sorting screws : ). Please also send me a photo if you recreate this build! Thanks