Introduction: Make a Solar Powered Air Conditioner at Home

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This is a low cost peltier cooler which can be used to store medicines etc

It is made form peltiers and heat sinks

Helping the Bombay Heat Crisis: This can also be used as a air conditioner with some modification.It will help people who cannot afford an air conditioner.People in Mumbai live in hot and humid clmate and most labourers cannot afford an air conditioner.

Step 1: Materials Required

1. Large computer fan ( can be bought from ebay)

2. Large heat sink 10 cm * 5 cm ( can be brought from ebay)

3. 12V power supply or a solar panel

4. Peltier

5. Small Fan( can be brought from ebay)

6. Small heatsink

7. Heat paste ( can be bought from local electronics shop)

Step 2: The Attachment

1. Connect the heat sink to the peltier

2. and then stick the fans on either sides

3. Use heat sink paste to stick the peltier to the heat sink as shown in the figure.

4. Connect the bigger one to the hotter side

Step 3: The Connections

1. Now connect the fan to the power supply as illustrated in the picture

2. Connect them in parallel so that the voltage is distributed equally.

3. You can also directly connect it to a 12 volt battery

Step 4: Cool Off..

Now connect a box or keep it in the open you can create a cooling agent

The peltier cools one side of the peltier and the heat sink takes it and the fan blows it off..

Step 5: Add Solar..

You can make it solar powered by using the circuit as illustrated in the picture.

Instead of the incubator use your peltier cooler.

Step 6: Application..

This is a method to make a fridge and oven both at the same time...It can be used extensively...

Application: Improvement of farmers life: This can be used in villages in India that don not have access to refrigerators.

They can store medicines and also left over food for preservation.Pesticides and insecticides and also seeds can be preserved by farmers.

Luxury for the poor: It may also be used by poor people living in hot and humid regions by connecting the power supply to a solar one.

Helping the soldiers: The heater can be used in places like Siachen in Kashmir where the army suffers from extreme cold weather conditions.They can use the fridge on the other side for storage of edible food items.

Helping the Bombay Heat Crisis: This can also be used as a air conditioner with some modification.It will help people who cannot afford an air conditioner.People in Mumbai live in hot and humid clmate and most labourers cannot afford an air conditioner.

This will help them get cheaper cooling. By incorporating the thermostat the device will turn on and off accordingly and save electricity.