Introduction: Make Your Webserver Without Buying a Domain and Static Ip [adds Free!!!]

Hello, Here i will guide you to run a webserver without static ip and the best part- it will be completely free and no adds too. So for domain we will use sub-domains and for static ip i have developed some scripts which will take care of it, these scripts are almost platform independent and can be run on raspberry pie, linux pc and android . This whole system is quite like dns system.
I assume that you have already setuped a webserver on rpi / android / pc. I will be refering to it as "main server"

Step 1:

First download this zip file and extract it somewhere.

Step 2:

Create an account on any free hosting website ( i would prefer this). We will be using it for redirecting and its domain will be the domain of our main server.

Step 3:

Now upload ip.php & index.php (from the downloaded zip) on your free webhosting server.

Step 4:

Now we need to edit the "main" script (from the zip file). Open it and replace with the domain of your free web hosting.

Dont remove "wget " or "/ip.php" from that line. So if the domain of your free webhosting is "" then the final line will be "wget"

Step 5:

Execute "main" script by navigating to folder containing it and typing "sh main" in terminal.
Note: This script will keep running, so just minimise the terminal ( dont close it) .

Now test by typing the domian of ur free webhosting in web browser and you will see the webpage located on main server.