Introduction: Making Composite Oak Triple Glazed French Doors

About: BongoDrummer is co-founder of Flowering Elbow. He loves to learn about, share, invent, and make things, particularly from waste materials. Check out his youtube channel:
We wanted to loose the cold draughty garage door, and replace it with some lovely oak double doors that would let in lots of daylight, but still be warm and energy efficient.

We don't own much big woodworking machinery and the basic design was conceived so that it would be possible to make these doors possessing only fairly simple tools, whilst still producing decent glue joints. By obtaining pre-planed and dimensioned wood from a local sawmill, I figured I should be able to laminate together some fine joinery and make some good triple glazed oak doors.

These are designed to be super insulative: they have a composite cork construction, well specified triple glazed units, and a double weatherseal round the edges.   

Here are the results. Any questions just ask.