Introduction: Making a 6d Ring/dice Combo From a Nut

A fairly quick and easy instructable for those of you who have an intersecting interest in jewelry, board games of chance, and hardcore fastener hardware. …and have a tendency to misplace your pocket 6d when it comes time for you to make critical life changing decisions.

A note,courtesy of 8steve88: opposite sides of the 'die' should add up to 7, I missed that on my iteration, and may need to turn in my geek card, but I'd recommend something of an order like <1,4,2,6,3,5>.

Best of luck!

I made it at TechShop! (tm) (

Standard disclaimers apply: No claims to accuracy or image quality, you're making this at your own peril, I'm not responsible for you drilling a hole into your hand, hospital bills for removal of stuck rings, salve for burns from impatience in test fitting a hot ring right after drilling it out. etc. You know, the normal stuff...