Introduction: Marklar 7, New Step in Pnewmohudralic Jet Machines

About: I am a physicist. I am a developer. I like to build musical instruments.

More than a year ago I have done Marklar 3, the jet vehicle with a hybrid engine. The idea was so simple and effective that it was asked to make more and deeper. ( If you do not go by the link, this is the idea. I use in a pneumatic jet engine carburetor, that makes a mixture of air and water, that has a higher density than air, and lover viscosity than water.)

After analysis of the video, I saw a few problems:

- vehicle was unstable during the move, while acceleration it cal lay in drift and lose speed.

- during acceleration, some water overflow to the back of the vehicle and it lose air, mean energy for moving.

To fix this to problems I decided to spread the air tank and water gallon and make suspension and automatic for direction stability.

I hope this will increase the speed. Answer at the end of the article.

Step 1: Materials, Instruments

Hard to say what I use while building a vehicle. Maybe, will be easier to say, what I not use.

Shortlist of materials:

- Plastic bottle on 2.4 litter.

- hand juicer.

- a lot of wooden coffee mixers (for suspension).

- different plastic pipes.

- valve.

- wooden pieces, which can't hide from me.

- 3 wheels from roller skates.

- Arduino leonardo and accelerometer.

- bicycle nipple (Presta).

- set for a dropper.

and a lot of instruments.

Step 2: Engine

I don't have a 3d printer. Maybe, someday I will create some on 3d printer, but, before I create in 3d model theory of this model have to have approval. So I decided to make the main engines chamber melted together two bottlenecks.

It's an easy and simple method creating chambers with small volumes.

I connected all like shown on the scheme.

Step 3: Suspension and Frame

The frame I build with some wood and wooden coffee mixers. The idea is very simple, use these sticks like springs.

Step 4: Arduino and Me

I ordered Arduino, mpu 6050 and servo, search in internets how to use it.

Firs problem was "How it all starts, I don't have any button or something". But, I find out that it starts after it gets power.

I found the article, which tells how mpu 6050 works, and write my own program.

Step 5: Rudder Cables

For rudder cables I use strings.

The same serv managed thrust direction and wheel.

Step 6: Testing One

While the first testing vehicle shows low speed (11 km/h). But self-direction correction works.

After a short analysis of construction, I find out the reason why speed so slow was the ру t-like splitter. Because of it, I lose a lot of speed of air.

Step 7: Bug Work and 7 Atmospheres Explosion

I decided to take away the t-like splitter. And during the first test bottle increase longitude for more than an inch. At that moment I don't pay any attention to that, but later I understand where it went, too late.

After a few manipulations vehicle was done, and I decided to make a "dry start" at home. It means without water.

During the second pumping, the bottle exploded at 7 atm. For big luck, nobody has an injury, except for the vehicle.

Explosion ruin suspension and place for buttery.

The buttery place I don't fix. I place buttery with a tape.

To protect the bottle I use the duct tape. And It works.

So, I protect the bottle, mace off a lot of "bottlenecks".

Step 8: Testing Two and Сonclusion

Main testing. Unfortunately, speed increases only to 15,5 km/h (the highest result). Almost twice slower than the previous vehicle.

And I think I guess why.

I try to increase jet impulse by increasing the mass of working mass by increasing outlet (was 2 mm to 4 mm). And to my realization it wrong way. To understand how to do it write I have to learn a theory about the viscosity of gases and mixtures. And find the golden middle between the density of working mass and outlet.

Make it Move

Second Prize in the
Make it Move