Introduction: Marzipan Pumpkins

About: I liked Sriracha before it was cool.

I made these with some leftover almond paste two Christmases ago, but left out the orange food dye for a Cinderella's carriage-look. All you need is a toothpick, some whole cloves, and marzipan, and it's remarkably easy to get them looking quite impressive. (Did I mention it only takes about 5 minutes?) What a cool hack! No reason not to do it.

It's so simple, I can explain it right here. Make marzipan balls of various sizes. Press in slightly on either end with your finger pads. These indentations will be your top and bottom.

Now get your toothpick and make lines connecting the two ends straight down. Do this several times around and the thing will start looking like a pumpkin.

Now just stick a whole clove with the fat part down into one of the ends, and your pumpkin is complete!

I got my original inspiration from this page (, which might be helpful to read/watch. I hope this cool idea reached more people by being on Instructables.


The Phantom Chemist

P.S. You could do this with Play-Doh or modeling clay, too, for a lasting effect!

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