Introduction: Meatloaf Meatballs

This is for a meatball recipe, but the twist is they taste a lot like meatloaf! It's very simple to make. I found this recipe online but I added a few modifications to it! The cook time takes a while but it is defiantly worth it in the end!


Here's a list of things you will need throughout the making:

- Measuring cups (Liquid and Dry)

- Measuring spoons

- Knife

- Cutting Board

- 13 inch by 9 inch baking sheet

- A Whisk

- Small mixing bowl

- Large mixing bowl

- Oven

- Oven mitts

- 40 size ice cream scoop (or you can use a scale)

- Gloves (if you want to mix the meat without getting your hands all dirty)


- 2 cups of Ketchup

- 2 tablespoons of liquid smoke ( You can also use soy sauce for a less smokey flavor, it's what I use)

- 1 1/2 cups of brown sugar

- 1/2 cup of onion (minced, it means very finely chopped, like the ones McDonald's use)

- 1 bag (24 ounce) package of pre-made frozen meatballs( or you can make them from scratch, that is also what i do)

Ingredients If you roll your own meatballs:

- I package (size of your choice) of ground beef ( I use about 1.5 pounds)

- 1 egg

- 1/4 cup of bread crumbs

- Salt and pepper (if wanted, not needed)

- A teaspoon of garlic salt/powder

Step 1: How to Make the Sauce:

- In a medium size mixing bowl, mix the ketchup, soy sauce or liquid smoke, brown sugar, and minced oinion together and set aside.

Step 2: How to Roll Your Own Meatballs:

- First, in a large mixing bowl, place the ground beef, egg, and 1/4 of a cup of bread crumbs in and thoroughly mix the meat with your hands, until combined.

- Second, preheat the over to 350 degrees Fahrenheit

- Third, once thoroughly mixed, use the ice cream scoop (or weigh it out to 3/4 of an ounce) to make the meatballs, if you use a scoop make sure to take a smooth edge to level off the meat so the meatballs are around the same size.

- Fourth, after you level it off (or weigh it), roll into a ball and place on a baking sheet (either a greased one or use parchment paper)

- Finally, after all the meat is rolled out, place the baking sheet into the oven and set a timer for 10-15 minutes. They don't need to be completely done but almost done, if you need more time, set the timer for only a couple minutes at a time or they will burn, so watch them closely.

Step 3: Time to Bake With the Sauce:

- Take the sauce and place it is the deep dish pan, but don't put it all, only use about half.

- After you get the sauce in, take the meatballs and use a spatula (with holes/lines so you don't get too much grease) and place them in the deep dish pan

- Finally once you get all the meatballs in the pan, pour the rest of the sauce over them, and then place the pan in the oven (still at 350 degrees) for 20 minutes. If you need more time do about 5 minute intervals so they don't burn.

- Once the sauce has been baked on to the meatballs, they should be done and ready to eat! If you aren't sure if they are done, cut one open to see if it has any pink or you can temp them by placing the thermometer in the side of a meatball about half way. If the thermometer read 165 or higher for 15 seconds they are done.