Introduction: Mickey Mouse Protein Snack

About: I make cake for my friends and family occasionally as a hobby. I also enjoy crocheting.
Any kid would feel so special to help create and eat this snack.

Step 1: 3 Simple Ingredients

White bread

Step 2:

Get something small and round to cut out the little circles for the buttons. I used the big end of a tip. When the hamburgers are done cooking, use one whole hamburger for mickey mouse's face and use a bigger circle to cut out the circles for mickey's ears. I used the round end of a big icing tip. Squeeze a line of ketchup about half way up the full hamburger, then fill in. and smooth out with a butter knife of a back of a spoon.  Now just put your little bread "buttons" on top of the ketchup. Enjoy!!
Maker Moms Contest

Participated in the
Maker Moms Contest

Hurricane Lasers Contest

Participated in the
Hurricane Lasers Contest

Snack Food Contest

Participated in the
Snack Food Contest

Halloween Food Contest

Participated in the
Halloween Food Contest