Introduction: Teleporting Cage

About: A normal everyday guy who likes to play Video Games.Nothing very special about me.
This Contraption is one of the easiest things to make in wiremod.

Of course you need these requirements to make it.

Phoenix storm
hoverdrive controller (again)

the minge cage will not teleport to you, it will teleport to anyone else or npc's.
it is supposed to cage people in and it is pretty annoying if you use it alot.

to make it to where the person can't get out you can put anti-no clip.

If you want to make your building easier then Download Smart snap. it makes things way more precise and easy.

This was brought to my attention by dadavo69wog of YouTube.

Step 1: Body Requirements

these are the requirements you need to get started.

Step 2: Body Building

time to put your trusty easy weld tool to work.

Step 3: Wiring Components

ok now here is also a somewhat easy part. (if you know how to use wiremod)

Step 4: Test Run

now to give it a test run. you might have to do a few things to get the cage moving but never unfreeze it.

i deleted the original one i made in the pictures. this is my model.

Step 5: Questions?

have any questions comment the board as usual. You can also add me if you want to but warn me before you do.