Introduction: Mini Bow
This something I came up with in history class one day. A small bow and arrow out of a old pen and a rubber band
Step 1: Materials
Just a old cap ink pen and a rubber band
Step 2: Tools
A sharp knife and common sense when using
Step 3: Take It Apart
If you have problems use the knife
Step 4: Make a Hole
Now this is where common sense comes in. Use the knife to bore out a hole in the middle of the pen. Don't bore it to much or it will mess up.
Step 5: Insert the Arrow Holder
This is why I said don't make a big hole. It doesn't matter which side
Step 6: Notches
You don't really need these but they help. Again with common sense and sharp knife make notches that line up with your arrow holder on each end
Step 7: The Band
Put the rubber band like you see here.
Step 8: Finished
Now if you get people mad its not my fault but there you go. Have fun:)
Step 9: Extra
If your arrows don't shoot as far as you like then wrap the rubber band the front like this