Introduction: Mini Soda Can Oven
This instructable will teach you how to make your own miniature toaster oven made entirely out of soda cans.
It will also be fully functional using nichrome wire as a heating element
6 soda cans
X-Acto knife
utility knife
nichrome wire
normally off button switch
4 hook up wires
1 12v battery
ca glue or super glue
Step 1: Cutting the Inner Oven
Cut out 5 squares with flaps on four as shown in the image
and label 1-5 with pencil or marker
Step 2: Gluing the Inner Oven
Glue together Numbers one and four as shown
now glue on Number three to one as shown
put and glue number two on top as in image
next glue number five on the back as shown in image
Step 3: The Electronics
grab your nichrome wire and take 3” and fold it in half and twist it together in a drill or by hand
Use a pencil or pen and twist the wire around it into a coil like shape as shown
Now put two holes in the side of the oven box as shown in the image
also use Some scrap aluminum can to make a little oven rack to fit inside the box as shown in the image
now take the nichrome wire coil and insert the two ends through the two holes you cut as shown in the image
Step 4: Cutting Out the Outer Box and the Dour
Cut out more aluminum cans and cut them into the shapes as shown
and label one to six
Step 5: Gluing Together and Wiring
Fold the flaps on the oven box out as shown in photo
next glue number seven on the front of the oven box make sure that the bottom of the oven box is on the bottom like in the photo
now use a knife and cut out a hole to fit your switch in the front of number seven
Then glue number five to the side of the box without the switch
now glue number one to the top
after you glue on number one glue number two to the bottom
now copy the wiring shown in the image
now glue number four to the side with the switch
If you want you can make a door using number three
Step 6: Using the Oven
Be extremely careful if you build this and use it
it can cause fire and severe burns
if your wire is too thin, the wire can break
build at you own risk