Introduction: Mini, Yarn-wrapped Letters

About: I craft with whatever I can find in my living space. I'm the kind of crafter who opens a closet and sees fabric instead of clothing.

I like to give little gifts to friends and neighbors; usually some kind of food-stuff, in a small box or jar. This time, I wanted to add a little personal touch, to show them I was thinking about them. With some simple, on-hand materials, you can create a thoughtful gift to add to your gift, too!

You can do the whole name of a loved one or even favorite holiday and string it up on a wall, door, or even a fireplace!

Let me know what you would do with your letters in the comments!


  • marker
  • cardboard
  • scissors or cutter
  • yarn/embroidery floss/craft string
  • glue
  • felt
  • embellishments (beads, rhinestones, etc) optional

Step 1: The Cardboard Letter

  1. Draw the letter on the cardboard.
  2. Cut out the letter.

Step 2: The Wrap

  1. Glue the end of your yarn to the back of your letter.
  2. Put glue on a section of the letter, then wrap over the glue.
  3. Continue gluing and wrapping until you are satisfied with the result.
  4. If there are any edges showing, you can go over the letter again in the opposite direction.
  5. OR glue a decorative rope or beads on the edges to give it an outlined appearance.

Step 3: Ribbon It!

  1. Attach a ribbon or yarn through the strands of yarn at the back of the letter.

Step 4: Felt It!

  1. Trace the letters face-up on the felt. (Face-up, so the marker won't show when glued to the back of the letter)
  2. Cut the felt letters just on the inside of the lines.
  3. Glue the felt letters onto the backs of the letters, over the ends of the ribbon.

Step 5: Give It!

  1. Add it to a present, decorate a door, string the name of your loved one, or favourite holiday on the wall!
Fiber Arts Challenge

Participated in the
Fiber Arts Challenge