Introduction: Mini Circular Saw With Dc Motor
Hello, I show how I made a mini circular saw dc motor advantage he had fitted with a drill chuck (used in the proposed mini drill press), I have done everything trying to go modular, ie the engine to use both for drilling and for the saw.
The mini table saw is simple, all a bit interesting is that I placed the lid hinges to work more comfortably, since the idea is that the mini saw mini drill and share the engine.
The motor is attached by nuts that allow varying the height of the saw cut.
The diameter of the saw blade is 8cm and table dimensions are approximately 28x20 cm.
Thanks for your attention, greetings.
The mini table saw is simple, all a bit interesting is that I placed the lid hinges to work more comfortably, since the idea is that the mini saw mini drill and share the engine.
The motor is attached by nuts that allow varying the height of the saw cut.
The diameter of the saw blade is 8cm and table dimensions are approximately 28x20 cm.
Thanks for your attention, greetings.