Introduction: Minimalist Leather Wallet/Card Holder

About: Student always looking to learn new things. Also love to make projects and carry them out.

Here is a wallet that I made in order to satisfy my needs. Indeed, I had been looking for a wallet for more than a year now and couldn't find something that really suited me which is why I decided to make my own.
Convinced that I could make my dream wallet I started browsing on the internet to learn about leather crafting.

After scouring the internet for many days I finally bought everything that I needed both tools and raw materials and was ready to rock.

I will try to run you through the different steps of making my dream wallet but bare in mind it's my first time working with leather.

Step 1: Supplies

Step 2: Thought Process and Design

I wanted something that was both minimalist and elegant as well as practical in order to hold a few cards and bills.
The main idea when drawing the patterns is to make sure that your card will fit correctly.

Once I made sure everything seemed to fit correctly using cardboard paper I score the leather using my scratch awl.

Step 3: Cutting the Leather to Size

Once the leather was scored it was time to cut the leather !
I was quite worried about cutting the leather but if your are focus and use a sharp cutter you should be fine.

In order to cut straight lines I used a metal ruler that I firmly hold towards the leather along my lines.

Once everything is cut you can use an edge beveler which helps make the corners look smooth.

Step 4: Assembly

In order to make sure everything fit correctly I would advise you to use paper clamps to pre-assemble the wallet.

Once I felt comfortable with the way it looked and fitted I went ahead and applied glue to the edge where I planned on stitching the pieces together.

Once it was glued I camped it and let it dry.

Make sure you don't put too much glue which might prevent you from putting cards in later on.

Step 5: Stitching

Time for stitching !
In order to make stitching easier I first used an edge groover in order to make a line where I wanted to stitch. (I did it 3mm from the sides)

Once my lines where traced, I used a Stitching Chisel and a mallet to pre-hole the leather

Here is a great tutorial that I followed in order to stitch leather :

Step 6: Burnishing the Edge

In order to finish the wallet, I first used a light sand paper to sand the edges flush and remove any imperfection.
Then I used tokonole which is literally the best product to burnish any kind of leather edges. You can apply a small amount of tokonole with your finger all around the edge and then use a Wood burnisher and scrub the edge.

Once I had finished burnishing the edge it was pretty much done and I was ready to enjoy my new wallet

Step 7: Final Result and Features

Hope you appreciated this modest leather project !

Leather Challenge

Participated in the
Leather Challenge