Introduction: Model Ship Built From News Papers

I get amusement creating ships, not a part of job or anything. But I do it with apportioned time.
It is easy it don't require any special equipments or so.
Just a some good glue to stick things and lots and lots of news papers.

I get amusement creating ships, not a part of job or anything. But I do it with apportioned time.
It is easy it don't require any special equipments or so.
Just a some good glue to stick things and lots and lots of news papers.

Planning design of Model Ship:
This is thing that I don't do. Most of the times I don't have any final design in mind but it
comes as ship begins to take some shape. This way works for me :)

From my blog.

Step 1: Making Strips If News Paper.

Making strips if News paper.

This is the only part in ship building that needs lots of patience. The strips needs to be stiff, firmly folded and of uniform width. The finishing quality of final ship depends how neatly these strips are made.

I use two kinds of news papers, ET(Economic Times) and other white papers.
ET has a characterized salmon-pink colour. Ships build with this paper looks more attractive.
But I am short of these most often so I use it only for outer layers of ship.
Roll the paper with firm folding make a relatively stiff paper strip.
It is not necessary to make a strong stiff strip, When we glue them, strips get strengthen. And it resists deforming.

Step 2: Creating Initial Frame

Created a rough ship frame, and added zig-zag strips to fill it's inside.

Step 3: Creating Rigid Frame

For measuring, I don't even use scale. Scales are based on proportion and symmetry.

Step 4: Creating Deck

Adding Front and back deck.

Step 5: Completing Full Skull