Introduction: Money Box

About: Art, Graphic and Product Design from one source! Furnitures, Pictures and more... I'm an german artist, product designer, photographer...who loves to make and invent things!

In this instructable I will show you how I made a money box for donation. I designed it for an important registered association in my hometown. They take care for the animals and the enviroment in our wonderful Kurpark (spa gardens). Just visit their homepage:

Step 1: Materials & Tools


  • ply wood
  • wood glue
  • acrylic glass
  • postbox lock


  • laser cutter
  • pc with inkscape
  • paintbrush
  • some clamps

Step 2: Designing and Laser Cutting

First I made some scribbles to find the right design. After that I took my camera, made a picture, send it to my pc and started editing the laser data in inkscape.

I took a few moments to find the correct dimensions and position of the lock because I always had to switch between 2D and 3D-construction.

Step 3: Gluing

This step is all about gluing. Just make sure you put every single piece flush with it's following part. To fix the glued pieces I used a lot of clamps as you can see in the picture.

Step 4: Finisched!

Here are some closeups.

I also made two keyring pendants because the small keys have the characteristic to dissapear.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed my instructable!

Woodworking Contest

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Woodworking Contest