Introduction: Motion Sensor Light

About: A social enterprise whose design core is open sourced and inclusive.

The Electronics Department from Biji-biji

Biji-biji electronic department is composed of self-made electricians. We love getting challenged to design and produce creative electronic installations and products, that merge sustainability and open source principles.

We believe that electronics can be used to drive sustainability. By using smart systems and designs, we can reduce electricity consumption as well as increase efficiency. Moreover, we also believe that electronics can be fun and easy. In today’s world with the boom of internet and open source technologies, you don’t need to know or do everything by yourself.

Find out more about Biji-biji:



Step 1: Motion Sensor Light

Step by Step instruction of making a motion sensor light.

Step 2: Gather Materials


  • Arduino (hardware) x1
  • Breadboard x1
  • RGB Strip x1
  • Jumper Wires
  1. Male to Female Jumper Wires x7
  2. Male to Male Jumper Wires (20cm) x4
  3. Male to Male Jumper Wires (2~2.5cm) x2
  • Transistor (2n2222) x3
  • Resistor 510 ohm x3
  • Motion Sensor x1
  • 12v Power Adapter x1
  • DC Jack x1

Additionally: Any transparent container.

Extra: Use your creativity to decorate your motion sensor light into a piece of art!

Step 3: Install Latest Version of Arduino IDE (software)

Step 4: Breadbroad

For easier instruction how to make a motion sensor light, we colored the breadbroad with different colors for easier understanding.

*you can follow this photo as your reference.

Step 5: RGB Strip

First, get your RGB Strip, setup it with 4 Jumper Wires (Male to Female)

  1. R with red color jumper wire (ground terminal for each individual color)
  2. G with green color jumper wire (ground terminal for each individual color)
  3. B with blue color jumper wire (ground terminal for each individual color)
  4. 12V with yellow color jumper wire (positive terminal, it requires 12v DC)

Step 6: Motion Sensor

Setup your motion sensor with 3 Jumper Wires (Male to Female)
- Color of Jumper Wires: Orange, Brown, Purple.

Step 7: Gather Materials & START Connecting Them!

Ready 4 Jumper Wires (Male to Male) to use it later.
- Color: Red, Green, Blue, Brown

Step 8:

  1. Get your breadbroad, transistors and resistances, insert transistors in pink color places yet resistances in brown color places.
  2. Get your RGB Strip and connect them to the breadbroad at Red, Green, Blue places. (behind of each "first leg" of transistor)
  3. Get your Arduino, connect the "2V"yellow jumper wire from RGB Strip to the Arduino "Vin"

Step 9:

  1. Get the 4 Jumper Wires (Male to Male) which are Red, Green, Blue, Brown colors, connect the Red, Green, Blue of your breadbroad at Red, Green, Blue places (in front each "last leg" of resistance) yet, connect the other side at digital ~5, ~6, ~9 (number according to Arduino coding)on Arduino.

Step 10:

  1. Get the Brown jumper wires (Male to Male), connect it at Black(middle) place on breadbroad (in front of the resistance) yet the "last/third leg" of the transistor) yet other side connect it at the "GND" on Arduino.

Step 11:

Get your motion sensor! Connect Brown wire at "GND" on Arduino, Orange wire at "3.3V" on Arduino and Purple wire at digital 2 (number according to Arduino coding) on Arduino.

Step 12:

Now get your 2~2.5cm (Male to Male) Jumper Wires connect it at the Black places on breadbroad.

Step 13:

Connect your Arduino to your computer via a micro USB cable. Once connected, the PWR LED on the Arduino will turn ON. Then, upload your code into Arduino.

You can download the code from here:

Step 14:

Insert the DC Jack to the Arduino, and connect the Power Supply and power up your motion sensor light!

LAST, put your motion sensor light into the container and decorate it!

Step 15:

Here it is the electronics schematic of motion sensor light.

Invention Challenge 2017

Participated in the
Invention Challenge 2017