Introduction: Motor Spinner

Hi friends my name is Lilith. i am from white filed nook.

Today i will showing how to make motor spinner.


  • 3 Motors
  • 3 Toy wheels
  • 1 Battery
  • 1 Battery clip
  • 1 Switch

Step 1: Motor Spinner


  • Take two motors and connect it.
  • Take one more motor and connect the three motors together.
  • And connect the wires to the three motors.

Step 2:


  • Connect the battery clip wire to the motors.
  • And connect the switch to the motor.

Step 3:


  • Keep the battery on the motor.
  • And stick the battery on the top of the motor.
  • And connect the battery clip to the battery.
  • Now the motor spinner is ready.
  • When we switch the on the switch.