Introduction: Mr. Handy
Mr. Handy by Mary Young:
Mr. Handy is an assistive technology device coded in Scratch and connected with the Makey- Makey kit. The coded keys are space, F, G, H, and J.
Introduction: A student with a physical disability struggles with handwriting due to having one hand. I was asked to find a program to help him. This student’s needs are very unique, and a program will not meet this young child’s needs. After research and trial and error, I set up a one-handed keyboard in Typing Club. The student struggled. It was obvious to me that I needed to rethink the intervention as assistive tech is now written in his 504 plan.
Different Strokes for the littlest of folk . . .To meet this child’s unique needs, I chose to code Mr. Handy so he will commit the key strokes to memory, learn by doing, improve his accuracy, experience academic success, and gain confidence.
· Tape · Gluestick · Foil · Brads · Cardboard or foam sheets · Marker · Graphite pencil · Makey Kit · Computer · Glove · Fabric paint · Scratch account · Scissors · Shoebox · Typing Club account (free version works) and knowledge of sticky keys (optional) · Stickers Access to word doc, etc. for later keyboard practice
Step 1: Step 1: Practice and Create Code
Mr. Handy is step 1. Explore the activity.
Explore Makey Makey and Scratch
After practice, the student will
duplicate creating the code so that he will hear his voice. Learning will occur when he has the opportunity to create, practice, demonstrate the process to his teacher, parents, peers, etc.
Step 2: Sticky Keys
Next, I will provide a list of basic sticky keys to help him
navigate Windows 10. I have turned on the sticky keys through settings. To turn on the Sticky Keys: Select the following:
Step 3: Sticky Settings
Step 4: Sticky Codes for Mr. Handy
Sticky Codes enable the user to strike one key at a time instead of pressing multiple keys at once. Press shift 5 times to enable or disable sticky keys. Ctrl S=save, Ctrl P=print, Ctrl C=copy, Ctrl v=paste, press print screen to open snipping tool. I will add additional keys based on student need and progression.
Step 5: Typing Club
Prior to assigning Typing Club to student, enable one handed key board under settings.
Student will login to Typing Club. For this student, his email is saved to his device for accessibility and login purposes.
Student will practice keystrokes and complete lessons.