Introduction: Multi Photo Frame From Few Single Picture Frames


After moving into new house walls in it are empty, so I decided to make a image from few picture frames connected together with duct tape. This is pretty easy project and everyone can do it and I'm gonna show you how to make this multi-frame picture. To do this I needed an hour.

My English is not perfect and I don't know all the terms in English, but I hope that everything I write will be easy to understand.

Step 1: Materials

The list of materials that we need:

- High resolution picture ( Image I used is 9888px x7148px)

- Picture frames ( I used 16 picture frames - cost about 10$ )

- GIMP or different graphic editor

- Duct tape

- Something to hang your picture on the wall ( Optionally, because I used two nails and holes in picture clips )

That's all.

Step 2: Prepare Your Photo

At the beginning we need to find a right photo. I found my on the internet, but you can use picture taken by yourself. It's important to have high resolution image, otherwise printed image will be blurred.

We need to slice image to 16 parts. To do this we need to open image in GIMP.

- From the top menu select Image>Guides>New Guide (by Percent)

- Set Direction to Horizontal

- Set Position (in %) to 25 then click OK

- Repeat steps 1 to 3 two times but change Position (in %) to 50 and 75

- From the top menu select Image>Guides>New Guide (by Percent)

- Set Direction to Vertical

- Set Position (in %) to 25, 50 and 75

Aftert that we have image divided in 16 pieces. Now we need to save those pieces as single images.

- From the top menu select Filters>Web>Slice

- Select folder where images will be saved

- Change Image format to .jpg

- Click OK

Now we've got all needed images and we can print it.

Step 3: Put Your Images Into Frames

If you have frames like mine you need to take off 4 clips, put image inside and close it with the same clips. Repeat 15 times :)

After you finish, try out the layout. In my case clips are colides with other frame clips. I had to set them so that the clips opposite each other are offset in different directions.

Step 4: Turn Upside Down and Attach With Duct Tape

- Turn images upside down and place them together. Try to block frames to make it easier to attach. ( I used 3 straight planks and buble level to make a perfect square. It makes everything much easier )

- Stick duct tape from one side to the other in each row horizontally, vertically and diagonally ( you can use any other adhesive tape but duct tape is the best option because it is strong and durable)

- Optionally: Add wall hangers

This should be enough to keep all frames together.

Step 5: Done!

It's finished. Now you can place your multi-frame image on the wall.

After done tips:

- Be careful when you sticking duct tape. All frames are easy to move and ruin the whole effect ( just like mine :D )

- Make sure all frames are equal

- For better effect print your images on foto paper

Duct Tape Challenge 2017

Runner Up in the
Duct Tape Challenge 2017