Introduction: My Meat Sandwich

Hi, I decided to make this meat sandwich since I am tired of eating the same things everyday so I decided to make my own since I wanted to create something new to eat! So you will learn to create this sandwich.

Step 1: Supplies That You Will Need:

You will need:

White Bread Bimbo

Ham Turkey San Rafael

Banquet Brown'N Serve Sausages

HEB Lomo Curado

Peñaranda Peperoni

Sabori Bacon

Philadelphia Cheese

1 Plate

1 Knife

1 Cooking tweezer

1 Comal

1 Cooking pan

Step 2: Turning on the Stove.

So you place the comal and the cooking pan above the stove and then you turn on the stove, try to make sure that its at a low heat, make sure the flames are not too high. Keep it on for the next couple of steps because the comal and the frying pan need to heat up.

Step 3: Indigents Needed

For this you will have to have:

2 Pieces of the Bread

1 Piece of the Ham

2 Pieces of the Pepperoni

1 Piece of the Bacon

2 Pieces of the Lomo Curado

2 Pieces of the sausages

Place them on the plate and keep the Philadelphia cheese nearby since its going to be one of the last things we will use for the sandwich.

Step 4: Cutting the Sausages

With the knife you cut the 2 sausages into thirds, keep the knife nearby since we are still going to use it.

Step 5: Cooking the Bread

You then place the bread in the comal, but don't leave it there for too long or it will start to burn, so use the tweezers to turn it around and then take it out and place it in the plate again.

Step 6: Cooking the Bacon and the Lomo Curado

So you start by placing the bacon into the frying pan with the tweezers, make sure the bacon isn't folded or it wont cook correctly, leave it to cook and then you place the 2 pieces of the lomo curado and then flip the 2 pieces of lomo curado after that wait 5-10 seconds and take the lomo curado out of the comal.

Step 7: Placing the Lomo Curado on the Bread and Flipping the Bacon

So after you have cooked both pieces and have the cooked lomo curado, you place them on the bread side by side, then you flip the bacon so it doesn't burn and remember to straighten it out, if you need a reference look at the picture.

Step 8: Cooking and Placing the Pepperoni

You place both of the pepperoni on the comal and watch it, since it cooks fast, you will need to wait around 5 seconds for it to be almost done, then flip both and when it starts to burn a bit remove the pepperoni from the comal and then you place them on top of the lomo curado which should be on top of one piece of bread. If you need a reference look at the pictures.

Step 9: Taking the Bacon Out and Placing the Bacon

You take out the bacon and place it on top of the pepperoni, don't turn off the stove yet you will still use it and if you need and references use the pictures.

Step 10: Checkpoint

What is in the picture is what you should have right now, its better to make sure you have this done than to continue without checking your progress. If you checked and you have everything go to the next step.

Step 11: Cooking the Sausages Part 1

You grab the sausages that have been cut and then you place them in the same cooking pan in which you placed the bacon, so you throw them in and move on to the next step, if you need reference on how to do it use the pictures to help you.

Step 12: Cooking the 2nd Piece of Bread Part 1

You place the piece of bread on the comal such as in the picture above and then move on to the next step.

Step 13: Cooking the Sausages Part 2

Grab the cooking tweezers and move the sausages around so they don't cook and burn in one spot, then after a while of moving them and making sure that they are still cooking, then take them out with the tweezers and then use them to take out the sausages and place them in the plate, use the pictures as references.

Step 14: Cooking the Bread Part 2

Flip the bread with the tweezers so that it doesn't get burnt, so after you do that wait around 5-10 seconds and then take the bread out of the comal and place it in the plate.

Step 15: Checkpoint

What is in the picture is what you should have right now, its better to make sure you have this done than to continue without checking your progress. If you checked and you have everything go to the next step.

Step 16: Cutting the Sausages Again and Placing Them on the Bread

Then you cut the 6 pieces of the sausages into halves so you should have 12 after you cut them, them place them on the piece of bread that has nothing on top of it. Use the pictures as reference.

Step 17: Turning Off One of the Stoves

At this point you turn off the stove that cooked the bacon and the sausages so you won't use it anymore, then move on to the next step.

Step 18: Cooking the Ham

You place the ham in the comal and then after a few 10 - 15 seconds you flip the ham so it doesn't burn, then you take it out of the comal and place it in the plate.

Step 19: Turning Off the Stove

You turn of the stove completely and don't use the comal anymore.After you turn it off move on to the next step.

Step 20: Checkpoint

What is in the picture is what you should have right now, its better to make sure you have this done than to continue without checking your progress. If you checked and you have everything go to the next step.

Step 21: Placing the Ham on Top of the Sausages

You place the ham on top of the sausages and then move on to the next step.

Step 22: Placing the Cheese on the Sandwich

You take out the Philadelphia cheese and then take out one square, then you take out the op piece of the square which is not much and place it on the knife, then you place the cheese on top of the ham, if you need reference use the pictures above.

Step 23: Final Step

Then you place together both breads and you get a nice meat sandwich! Enjoy!

Step 24:

Sandwich Challenge 2020

Participated in the
Sandwich Challenge 2020