Introduction: My PAPERCRAFT Collection As of 4/1/11

About: I never spend a nanosecond without making stuff! (Mostly MIDI Music right now!) Also, my birthday is February 21st, if anyone would like to give me anything (physical or digital), I'd be most obliged. PM me f…
These are all of my Papercraft Projects as of the First of April. I'm sorry if the photos are too dark or blurry - The poor quality of my current camera is why I'm entering the I Made It photo contest! Thanks for Viewing!
 1. Poco bot from Paper Posables
 2. Enemy 585 from
 3. Superman -
 4. Batman -
 5. Mr. Incredible from "The Incredibles" -
 6. SuperPaperMen -
 7. Disney's official Wall-e movie papercraft
 8. Wall-e - Axiom Security Bot -
 9. Super Robot - Dog Version!
 10. HAL 9000 - Roomba mashup
 11. Kaliedocycle -
 12. Wall-e - GO-4 -
 13. Wall-e - M-O -
I'm sorry that I don't have the source for all of the papercrafts, but if you type the name into a search engine, you can probably find it! ;)
 Win Guy
  P.S. It would be very selfish to ask you to vote, so I won't, but if you like this, you can anyway :D
MakerBot Challenge

Participated in the
MakerBot Challenge

I Made It Photo Contest

Participated in the
I Made It Photo Contest