Introduction: NCO Academy Canvas Orientation (for Instructors)

Hello NCO Academy instructors. Whether you are a new instructor or have been around for a while, this Instructable will be helpful to orient you to the new layout coming with the new curriculum this Spring.

DISCLAIMER: This Instructable does not contain any information that would compromise any portion of the NCO Academy curriculum.


Computer or device and permissions to access Air University Canvas sites.

Step 1: Home Page

The Home Page is like the previous layout. It includes navigational tabs to the left, a brief description of the course, followed by a “Getting Started” section for the students

Step 2: Announcements

Announcements are useful for disseminating information to students.

Add an announcement by clicking on “+ Announcement”. When you click on that button you are given a space for the Topic Title, a text entry field for the announcement, a drop-down list to select sections, an option for adding attachments, and additional options that allow you to delay posting, allow user comments, enable podcast feed, and allow “liking”

Once you are finished, click “Save” and your Announcement will post (in accordance with your settings)

Step 3: Syllabus

The Syllabus is an overview of the course that includes all lessons and graded assignments

Step 4: Modules

In the modules tab you will find all the course materials needed for both instructors and students.

Step 5: Modules – Getting Started

The Getting Started module is the first item required for the student to complete.

This module requires the students to read the syllabus and complete the Student Acknowledgement Survey (this serves as “proof” that the student understands and acknowledges their responsibilities in this course)

Step 6: Modules – Instructor Resources

You will notice that at the top of each module there is an item labeled [insert module name] - Instructor Resources.

Scroll down to Air Force Culture – Instructor Resources and click on it.

This page contains links to the PDF files (stored and accessible within the Canvas files) for all the materials needed for the Air Force Culture outcome.

You may have noticed that some of the items have a green highlight to the left and have a green, checked circle on the right. This means the content is published and is viewable to the student. All Instructor Resources should remain unpublished, all other content will remain unpublished until the appropriate time in the course.

You may have also noticed a set of three squares next to the green circle. This identifies whether the module or content has been locked (in this case they are locked due to the Getting Started prerequisite).

Step 7: Modules – Outcome Learning Guide

When the student is viewing the modules (you can get a sample of this by selecting Student View on the Home Page), they will see that each module begins with an Outcome Learning Guide.

Scroll down to the Leadership – Outcome Learning Guide and click on it.

Each Outcome Learning Guide follows a similar format. It begins with a description of the outcome (Leadership: “Lead and manage teams utilizing Air Force resources”) and links to the two graded assignments for the outcome. (Note: Presentation instructions are always viewable to the student, the assessment is locked until the prescribed time in the course. Each Outcome Learning Guide also provides a description for the assessment but that has been redacted for this guide to preserve the integrity of the course.)

Following the Graded Assignments area are descriptions of each lesson, to include links to the required student reading.

Step 8: Assignments

The Assignments tab lists all graded assignments students are required to complete for the course. Click on the Air Force Culture Presentation.

Here you will see the presentation requirements to include the rubric for grading.

Step 9: Grades & SpeedGrader

In the Grades center you will find submissions for all completed assignments. (Assignments will only show if they have been published).

Click on the small word bubble in the upper right-hand corner of the block.

In the first window that appears, you have the option of entering a manual grade and providing comments. This window also allows you to use the SpeedGrader option.


SpeedGrader allows you to view the students entry and grade their work using the preloaded rubric. Grade their work by clicking the applicable blocks on the rubric. The SpeedGrader will total the points and display in the total below. When you click, “Save” the grade is entered into the grade book. If you would like to submit comments, use the provided field and click submit when finished.

Step 10: Conclusion

That sums up what you will need to know in fulfilling your duties when it comes to using Canvas as an NCO Academy Instructor. If you have never used Canvas before, do not be overwhelmed or intimidated by it. You will find that it is actually a fairly intuitive learning management system.

As with all things related to the NCO Academy curriculum, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to the NCO Academy Curriculum Team.