Introduction: Nerf Grenade Launcher Attachment DIY
Today I show you, how to make your own, unique NERF grenade launcher (RPG) attachment.
All you need is a couple of parts, a few tools and 30 min of your life-time!
Have fun tinkering.
Step 1: Materials and Tools
- Dremel tool for drilling and cutting
- 1.5 / 2 / and 3mm drill bits
- Metal saw / Jig saw
- Screwdriver
- A sharp knife (to clean cutting edges)
- Acrifix plexi glue (epoxy or wonderglue would work as well)
- rough metal file
- Nerf Jolt
- Nerf Modulus ForeGrip
- 60-80mm long, 40mm outer diameter plexi tube (ebay)
- 15x15mm plexi square bar (ebay)
- One 25mm long 2.5mm DM metal screw
- 6 M2 screws, 2x 6mm / 2x 8mm and 2x 12mm long
- 20x40 mm, 20mm wide, L section aluminum
- 20x10mm 50mm long rectangular tube aluminum
- 2 plastic spacers or a piece of 5-7mm thick wood/plexi/whatever
Step 2: The Steps:
1. Screw the L-section to the back of the Jolt, right into the upper 2 fake screws
2. Take apart the Modulus grip and take off the grip, and out the guts. Then cut "along the line"
as shown in the video.
3. Drill 2 holes into the side, and put in the prepared alumimum (again, as in the video). Make sure you cut out a part to make the halfs fit back together. Mark the holes on the metal, then screw it on.
4. Attach the to the L-section piece, with spacers in between. I used plastic spacers, you can just
put in a piece of 5-7mm wood, depending on your gap.
5. Attach the squarebar to ONE of the grip halfs using the metal screw. 3mm hole into the front, then the screw from the inside right through the hole, into the plexiSqB.
6. Cut the plexi tube as shown in the video. Clean straight front, and a cut out for your triggerfinger on the other end. File a straight edge on top, sand the squarebar and you are ready to glue it together.
7. Paint it as you like. I disassembled it for paint. What you NEED to do, cloak the barrel and tape off the trigger.
And done...your very own unique grenade launcher / RPG attachment for your NERF blaster*brofist*