Introduction: New Mexican Style Green Chile Stew

I come from one of the best cities in the country, Albuquerque, New Mexico. It is best known for its red and green chile that is included into so many meals. Red and green chile has become the backbone of our cooking, and is a tradition that most New Mexican families have.

Every Christmas, my mother would make a batch of her amazing green chile stew, and our whole family would fall in love with it. I hope to share this not only with my friends and family, but anyone who wants to experience one of the best New Mexican meals that there is!

The stew is extremely easy to make, and can be done within 30-45 minutes. It is not too expensive either, and makes for a great family meal!

Step 1: Ingredients

  • 32 oz Chicken Broth
  • 2-3 Chicken Breasts
  • 3 Cans of Green Chile (Can be freshly roasted)
  • 3-4 Potatoes
  • 1 Onion
  • 3-4 Cans of Pinto Beans
  • 2 Tomatoes
  • 1 Teaspoon Garlic Salt
  • 1 Teaspoon Black Pepper

The amount of chicken breasts, potatoes, beans, and tomatoes depends on how many people you are feeding.

You will also need:

  • One large Pot
  • One wooden stirrer
  • Cutting board
  • One large cutting knife
  • One cooking pan
  • One peeler
  • Measuring Utensils

Step 2: Add Chicken Broth

Add the chicken broth to the large pot and turn the stove heat to medium.

Step 3: Cut the Potatoes

1. Skin the potatoes by using the peeler.

2. Once the potatoes are skinned, cut them into bit size pieces.

3. Add the cut potatoes into the pot.

4. Make sure the potatoes cook in the pot for at least 20 minutes.

Step 4: Add 3 Cans of Green Chile

  • Add three cans of green chile.
  • This can also be fresh roasted chile if you have access to it. (Based on location)

Step 5: Cut the Tomatoes

1. Wash the tomatoes.

2. Cut 1-3 tomatoes into small bite size pieces, similar to the potatoes.

3. Add the cut up tomatoes into the pot.

Step 6: Add Beans

  • Add 3-4 cans of pinto beans into the pot depending on how many you are feeding.

Step 7: Add Black Pepper

1. Add 1 teaspoon of black pepper into the pot.

Step 8: Chop and Add Half an Onion

  • Slice one onion in half.
  • Chop the half onion into small pieces.
  • Add the onions to the pot.

Step 9: Add Garlic Salt

1. Add 1 teaspoon of garlic salt into the pot.

Step 10: Cut and Cook the Chicken

1. Cut 2-3 chicken breasts into small cube-like pieces to cook in a pan.

2. Cook the chicken in the pan until there is no pink color visible. (You do not have to add seasoning).

3. Cut the cooked chicken into smaller bite size pieces.

4. Add the chicken to the pot.

Step 11: Stir the Pot

1. Stir the pot until all of the ingredients are distributed evenly.

Step 12: Ready to Eat!

After a short amount of time cooking, I can guarantee the smell will excite you more than ever. You can make this stew for any family event or even just for a small family dinner. It is a great recipe that is great for bringing your family together. Your freshly made green chile stew is now ready to serve! Enjoy!