Introduction: Nivea Twisting Spy Laser Rechargable Using Old Vape Lipo

Rechargeable spy laser that switches on by twisting it. The whole laser can be housed and concealed inside the Nivea stick


Soldering iron

Hot glue gun

Nivea hydrocare lipstick

3v laser diode 5mW

500mah lipo cell from an old vape (smaller is ok too but bigger wont do)

thin wire

JST connector 2 pin

some kind of charger (I used tp4056)

button switch

pen spring

Step 1:

Take apart and clean the Nivea stick

Step 2:

Cut down the small part that moves up and down the stick imma call it a pusher. Dont cut it as much as I did leave some lip on the part

Get half a pen spring and hot glue it to the bottom and at the other end glue the push button

Step 3:

hot glue laser and female JST connector

Step 4:

put the cell in and button pusher into the housing and mark the points at which the pushers wings are when the button is pressed and make cuts in the side such that when you twist the stick the wings enter the cut sections

Step 5:

use capton tape on the ends of the cell and hot glue the switch to the cell, feed the wires through the holes on the pusher. follow the schematic i used and use a soldering iron

Step 6:

Put all the components in the housing cell first then the switch and pusher then the laser and jst.

Put on the twist outer part and use hot glue to secure the laser to the inner housing


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