Introduction: No Bake Avocado Toast Sandwich Cake

The avocado sandwich cake is a mix of amazing flavors. The sandwich is elegant and easy to make. This is beautiful and perfect for any occasion. It makes a beautiful centerpiece and is definitely a crowd-pleaser. This sandwich cake can feed 8-12 people.


5 avocados

20 cherry tomatoes

1 ½ tbsp sea salt

6 teaspoons lime juice

4 teaspoons minced garlic

1 loaf white bread

¼ tsp of chili powder

⅛ tsp smoked paprika

½ cup Fage 5 greek yogurt

Cilantro extract

1 tbsp honey

Step 1: Cleaning Your Workspace

Step 1: Clear off a large working space and make sure the counter has been cleaned with nontoxic cleaning spray and gather all ingredients and kitchen supplies

Step 2: Oven Roasted Tomatoes

Step 2: Preheat your oven to 250 degrees. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. Then cut up your cherry tomatoes in half. Sprinkle with salt and put in the oven for 2-3 hours.

Step 3: Toasted Bread

Step 3: Lightly toast the bread of your choice ( we are using white bread)

Step 4: Assembly Start

Step 4: Put four slices together and cut off the crust to the size that you need and set the first layer of bread down on your cake tray.

Step 5: Guacamole

Step 5: Then you are going to make the guacamole. Cut your 4 avocados and separate it from the pit and skin. Put it in a medium bowl. Then you are going to put 4 teaspoons of lime juice, and 4 teaspoons of garlic in with the avocado and mash with a fork or potato masher. Depending on whether you like your guacamole chunky or smooth you may want to use a hand mixer to make it smoother.

Step 6: Assembly

Step 6: Take a large spoon and put some of your guacamole on top of the first layer of bread. Spread it out so there is about a half-inch of guacamole evenly spread out on top.

Step 7: Chili and Coriander Sauce

Step 7: Then you are going to make your chili and coriander sauce. Get out your fage 5 greek yogurt and put in ½ cup in a medium-sized bowl. Then put in 2 teaspoons of lime juice, a 1/4 tsp of chili powder, a drop of cilantro extract, and a ⅛ tsp of smoked paprika next you are going to microwave 1 tablespoon of honey for 20 seconds and pour it in with the other ingredients. Blend the mixture with a hand mixer until fully combined.

Step 8: Assembly

Step 8: Take your sauce and lightly spread it over the guacamole so there is a very thin layer.

Step 9: Assembly

Step 9: Put another layer of toasted bread, guacamole, and sauce, and put one more layer of toasted bread on top. Cover the whole cake with smooth guacamole.

Step 10: Design

Step 10: Then make a design using the oven-roasted tomatoes, cut up avocado, and extra sauce.